
Have you ever considered that God might be calling you into Special Service, just as he called Gideon to lead a people (Judges6), Elisha to be the aid to Elijah and eventual prophet (I Kings 19:19, II Kings 2:15), Mary to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38), and Saul to be set apart for the work which he was called (Acts 13:2) or others? In all these cases and others, God used individuals and His Spirit to stir the spirit of each person. That same God is still using similar strategies to call out men and women in his service. For these individuals, this could involve a basic call to ministry, followed by experience, narrowing the focus of the call, and even a call in a different direction later in life. This transformative power of the call to ministry is what can inspire and give hope to those considering it.

That is my story. I grew up in Denison, Texas. When I was six, my family attended church at FBC Denison. When I was nine, I realized that I was a sinner and needed to ask Jesus to come into my life. I did that on a Sunday Morning. Shortly after that, I was baptized.

In my teenage years, I began contemplating the future and what I would do as an adult. My great-grandmother told me, ‘I think you would make a good preacher.’ Initially, I dismissed her words. However, as time passed, I found myself praying and reflecting more on what it would mean to be a minister. This journey of self-discovery and personal growth is what can intrigue and engage those considering a similar path.

It was during a summer camp at Glorieta when I was 16 that I had a profound realization. Our youth group, attending a camp called Centrifuge, had nightly worship services. In one of those services, the speaker spoke about some of us sensing a call to service without knowing what specific area of ministry it was at that moment. He further stated that while we may not know what kind of ministry that was, we still sensed a call from God to ministry. As he said those things, it clicked in my mind and spirit that God called me into what he defined as special service.

My next step was to let my church know I had made that decision. Following that commitment, I began to think about which schools to go to once I graduated from High School. I ultimately went to Grayson County College, East Texas Baptist College, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. While enrolled in these institutions, I served as a summer missionary for two summers. One of those summers was spent as a youth ministry intern, and the second was as a church planter intern. In seminary, I spent three years as a student minister. These experiences helped me to realize that pastoring a local church was the next step God was leading me to.

In 1988, I started pastoring Lake Center Baptist Church in Afton, Oklahoma. From there, I pastored FBC Melissa from 1990 to 1999. In the fall of 1999, I began pastoring FBC Bonham. While at FBC Bonham, I was on the Executive Board of the BGCT. In this role, one of the committees I served on was the Missions Funding Committee. While on that committee, I was encouraged to see churches planted. I also went for coach training to work with church planters.

During this time, I considered potentially serving as a Director of Missions. One of my friends recommended me to the Denton Baptist Association. As I went through the interview process, it became apparent to me and the committee that God had prepared me for this ministry position. I pastored local churches for 25 years. I had been trained as a coach for church planters. Finally, I loved associational work and the ministerial staff that worked in the associational churches.

Some might say I left the ministry when I took this position. But I see my work now as a continuation of my call to serve God in a special way. Each day, I have the privilege of working with local pastors and their staff — to listen, strategize, and encourage these individuals. I have the opportunity to work with churches in planting churches, to train church planters, and to collaborate with our partnering ministries as they seek to expand the kingdom.

This journey has brought me immense joy and fulfillment. I hope the story of my call to service can encourage and motivate those considering a similar path. If you are wrestling with a call to the ministry, I would love to talk to you.


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