
For those who know me personally, you are already aware that I love what God has called me to do.  It is a joy to work among and engage the unreached nations among us in DFW.  However, I met many believers who are hesitant to engage the nations at their doorstep.  Why is that?

First, ethnocentric attitudes blind the need to target people groups. What is ethnocentrism? Ethnocentrism is focusing only on the needs of yourself and your own ethnic origin, believing that you are the center of the universe.

A survey of scripture shows that ethnocentrism has always existed. In Joseph’s day Egyptians did not eat with Hebrews because such table fellowship was “detestable to Egyptians” (Gen. 43:32). Agrarian Egyptians also considered shepherds “detestable” (Gen. 43:34). Jews toward the Samaritans.

Second, fear sometimes grips us so tight that we hesitate to target people groups. In Genesis, the scripture does not indicate that Abraham feared going to another land and another people. As soon as Abraham received the promise, he obeyed (Gen. 12:4). He did not hesitate with fear. Instead, the scripture maintains that Abraham “believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness” (Gal. 3:6)

Being pre-occupied with everything else in life that we fail to miss is the most important part of life, which is being a blessing for all nations.

Now what?  We can overcome our ethnocentrism and fear by “just doing it.”  Get out among the unreached ethnic groups near you.  For example, make it a habit of frequenting the same ethnic restaurant to get to know and share Christ with the owners.  Moreover, we can purposely pencil into our busy schedules opportunities to meet the nations among us.

Lastly, our response today should be to consider how God wants us to pray, give, and go to the nations among us.


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