Celebrating Serving Together

Celebrating Serving Together

Each year, our Association of churches undertakes a significant mission-packing food that is sent around the world. This food, packed with love and care, is distributed by Christian Organizations to people in need, with the hope of sharing the gospel. The impact of...
Well Done, Rochelle Schafer

Well Done, Rochelle Schafer

On May 30, Rochelle Schafer will retire as Denton Baptist Association’s Executive Assistant and Clerk. Rochelle came to the DBA on October 1, 2001. During that time, she worked with Dr. Gary Loudermilk, my predecessor, Steve Pate, Lora Thomas, David Crane, our...
Conflict: is it a Dirty Word?

Conflict: is it a Dirty Word?

Conflict, is it a dirty word? I remember thinking it was early on in my life. I remember having conversations with people who said, “Aren’t Christians always supposed to get along.” I also remember growing up in a church that experienced conflict and saw half of the...

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