Nationality: India – Total Local Population: 26K – Majority Religion: Hindu – Evangelical Status: Unreached – Engagement Status: Unengaged Who are the Gujarati? The Gujarati are a relatively peaceful people, except for religious tensions that...![Japanese](https://dentonbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bryan-1080x675.jpg)
Living Incarnationally
In our previous discussions, I’ve underscored the transformative power of the Incarnational mission approach. This approach, rooted in close and personal ministry, is a profound way to embody God’s love and the gospel of Christ. By embracing this approach,...![Japanese](https://dentonbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bryan-1080x675.jpg)
An Incarnational Model of Ministry
We can neglect the discipline of understanding the nations next door, who are among us in our neighborhoods. Some say, “It takes too much time to get to know and understand the nations among us; all we need to do is share the gospel, and they will respond.” In...![Japanese](https://dentonbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bryan-1080x675.jpg)
Persevere, Stick it Out
As I work with and among people who commit their lives to full-time ministry, I am continually reminded of the need for perseverance. Their narratives and stories reveal a spirit that does not give up, no matter the results. Several years ago, a research study looked...![Japanese](https://dentonbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bryan-1080x675.jpg)