Church Planting Monthly Report This form should be submitted by the 10th of each monthName of Church *Today's Date *Church Planter *Email *Vital StatisticsSpiritual Contacts *People Trusting in Christ *Baptisms (Adult) *Baptisms (Under 18) *Avg Weekly Small Group *Small Groups Meeting Regularly *Avg Weekly Worship *Current Members *Members Serving Regularly *Members Discipling Others *Number of meetings this month with Convention assigned coach *Number of meetings this month networking with Denton Baptist Association *This could include church planter lunches, Executive Board meetings, church planter cohort sessions, networking contacts with churches in DBA, contacts with DBA staff, otherStewardship Monthly Income/ReceiptsTithes *USDSponsor Church Support *USDAssociational Support *USDState Convention Support *USDOther Support *USDTotal SupportStewardship ExpensesPersonnel *USDFacility Expenses (rent, utilities, repairs) *USDCooperative Program giving through state convention *USDAssociational Giving *USDOther *USDTotal ExpensesAny comments on something God is doing this month in you and/or your family, personal prayer items you wish to share with DBA staff, celebrations/victories, struggles, otherAny comments on something God is doing this month in His church plant, ministry prayer items you wish to share with DBA staff, celebrations/victories, struggles, otherSubmit