
It’s been over six weeks since I started serving at the Denton Baptist Association. It’s a blessing and a joy when I come to work daily. One of the things that I look forward to and genuinely enjoy the most is the first part of the day, which I currently label “Morning Coffee with Morgan.”

I am learning a lot from our DBA Executive Director, Morgan Malone, during coffee. For instance, he has taught me to start my day with a clear plan, to listen to others actively, and to communicate my thoughts effectively. I’ll delve into these more another time.

What resonated most with me the last couple of weeks was Morgan’s statement that we need to do what we can to help set others up for success—to go the extra mile for others. For Morgan, this is not just a piece of advice but a responsibility we all share. I considered what he said and asked myself, what if setting someone up for success is not an ideal situation for me?

Then, the Holy Spirit prompted me to remember the vast number of people that God, in his grace and mercy, put in my way to ensure I was set up for success in my life and my calling in ministry. I remembered my Dad, who ensured I finished my undergraduate studies in East Texas and made countless trips with me to get my US student visa. The line to the US embassy was very long. The line started forming at 3am, and the cut-off for the final interviewees was at 3pm. When I first received my student visa, I was one of the last few individuals left in line after lining up for almost 12 hours standing.

When my Dad unexpectedly passed away, Gene Grounds from church came alongside me. He never missed a Thursday lunch with me for years. During those lunches, he thoroughly listened to all my questions. The most important part was he never judged me through my years of self-doubt about whether I should be listening to a call to full-time ministry. The downside: those may have been the years I gained 10-15 lbs. eating Chinese Buffet food each week. However, Gene’s unwavering support and mentorship were not only a source of comfort and encouragement during that season in my life but also a clear path to my making a commitment to full-time ministry. Gene passed away last year, and I still miss his role in my life. He will always remain my American Dad, a unique mentor who guided me through my doubts and challenges.

There are many more I can name that will not fit the space here. Charles Pyles, a dedicated volunteer at the Collin Baptist Association offices, supported me from the first day I served there until my very last day in office. There’s also Bryan Galloway, who patiently explained the diaspora work, a crucial aspect of our ministry, that has been going on in the metroplex to me. What is excellent about Bryan is his eagerness to invite you to join our God and him in this Kingdom work. Finally, there is Rochelle Shaffer. Rochelle, with her unique perspective, encourages me to view things from a different angle. With that, she sets me up for success. Her friendship is a blessing, and her insights have been invaluable in my personal and professional growth.

Should we help set others up for success? As the apostle Paul said in Romans 15:2, ‘Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.’ When you consider your actions today and in the coming week, consider the potential transformative impact you will make on the individual God has placed on your path. You never know if that person is wrestling with their call to ministry, in need of a listening ear, or a helping hand. I am a testament to this, and I am eternally grateful that God placed people in my life willing to sacrifice their time and personal satisfaction for my growth, shaping me into the person I am today.

If you are a church pastor or leader, there are excellent opportunities for you to help empower your staff at events such as the DBA Training Event August 17th, the Minister and Wife Dinner September 5th, and the pastor luncheons starting in the fall. Your support and mentorship could be the catalyst for someone’s transformation as it did for me.


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